For a lot of teens, things like juuling and vaping are becoming popular. But the dangers of juuling are often ignored or might not be well understood by a teen. These dangers get overlooked, and when juuling leads to additional problems and addiction, it can feel unexpected. But it’s really not, as many of these behaviors are just the gateways to other behaviors that are even more dangerous. If you find that a family member has been juuling, especially if they’re very young, getting them help should be your first step. The same is true if you’ve gotten addicted to juuling because stopping the behavior and avoiding it in the future are very important for a clean and sober life of good health. At Fort Behavioral Health, we can help you or your loved one today. Call us today at 844.332.1807 to learn more.

The Dangers of Juuling Are Often Overlooked

People often overlook the dangers of juuling in TX, but they are multiple. Juuling can lead to multiple health problems, including:

  • Increased blood pressure and heart rate
  • Lung disease
  • Insulin resistance
  • Chronic bronchitis
  • Nicotine addiction

Furthermore, because there is little regulation of these products, they often contain ingredients such as antifreeze and formaldehyde.

In addition, like most unhealthy behaviors, juuling can lead to additional use of both legal and illegal substances. Because juuling is like vaping or smoking, it becomes easier for younger people, especially to get addicted to cigarettes and marijuana. From that point, moving to other types of substances becomes easier. While that doesn’t happen to every teen who tries juuling, the dangers of juuling should be considered, and the behavior stopped before it has a chance to become worse. If you or someone you love needs help with juuling in TX, our substance abuse treatment programs are here to provide the support and guidance you need to be successful in your recovery from substance use. We can help both teens and adults face the dangers of juuling.

Choose the Right Treatment Program

The best way to break free from behaviors that are unhealthy is to focus on the ways to avoid them with healthy coping skills and the right mental tools. The dangers of juuling are a part of the knowledge base you can use to say no to options and opportunities that you know aren’t good for you. But there’s more to the issue than that. Getting and staying healthy often means that you have to reach out for the help and support you need.

That’s not always easy, since reaching out for help means admitting to a problem and being vulnerable. While that can be difficult to do, it’s a very important first step on the path to a recovery that’s strong and lasting. We’re here when you’re ready to get the help you need. Some of the options we offer to help with your treatment include:

Because we have so many different ways to help you succeed, you can work with us on finding a drug and alcohol rehab program that’s right for your needs and situation in life. There’s no reason to settle for less when you have good options you can consider. We know it’s important to work with people you can trust, and by doing that, you’ll have a better chance at the help and support that’s going to be right for you. Our trained and caring professionals are focused on making sure you get what you need for your best chance at success. You can get back to a life that’s happier and healthier when you get the help you need for an addiction issue.

We Can Help At Fort Behavioral Health

You don’t have to live your life controlled by addiction. A better future is possible when you reach out for help. Contact us at 844.332.1807 today, and we’ll help you find the right road to a strong and lasting recovery.


Get Help Today!

You don’t have to face the journey of recovery by yourself. There are people out there ready to help with what you’re going through. Reach out to someone for support today.

Verify Your Insurance

If you’re covered by any major insurance provider, your treatment will most likely be covered. We guarantee to keep your personal details private.

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