Depression, or major depressive disorder, is one of the most common mental health disorders among people living in the U.S. While many people experience bouts of sadness, depression lasts for weeks. It can severely impact a person’s life. They no longer find joy in interactions with others or their once-favorite activities. The illness can progress to a point where you need intensive mental health treatment.

At Fort Behavioral Health, we proudly offer a depression treatment program that is personalized to fit the needs of each individual in our care. If you or a loved one is struggling with depression, our team is ready to help. However, there are some things that you can do. Some of the steps to overcome depression include:

1. Reach Out for Help

One of the first steps to overcome depression is to find someone to talk to about what you’re feeling. Trying to handle depression symptoms alone can get you locked inside your head, making it harder to have a healthy perspective on various situations. People can have difficulty asking for help. Depression tends to make people withdraw from even those closest to them, increasing feelings of isolation.

The idea of talking to someone about your emotions can feel like walking underwater. Feelings of exhaustion, embarrassment, or guilt may hold you back. You have to recognize that it’s the depression affecting your thoughts. Connections to others and involvement in social events can change your outlook and lift your mood.

You’re not weak if you need to talk to someone. People who love you will want to do what they can to help.

2. Try and Change Your Outlook

Depression can drown you in negative thoughts. People dealing with a mental health disorder can get trapped in a loop of self-recrimination and blame. Getting too deep in the throes of depression can leave you feeling paralyzed and unable to help yourself. It becomes impossible to see anything other than despair.

Something as simple as lifting your head and looking out the window can change your thoughts. Physical or mental actions can work wonders in shifting your emotions. Therapy sessions with a mental health counselor can also give you perspective on how depression affects your thinking patterns.

3. Focus on Positive Thoughts

Painful memories can push you into a state of chronic depression. Instead of falling into a spiral of negativity, think about something that makes you happy. It can be as simple as petting a kitten or how you feel when you watch your favorite TV show with friends. Recalling the details of a happy day can counteract any sadness you’re feeling in the moment.

4. Force Yourself to Go Out

Depression wants you to pull away from the world and hide in bed all day. Running an errand or calling a friend can start pulling you out of your depression. Don’t let the illness convince you to cancel plans you made with a friend or stop you from going to see a movie. Moving around can produce chemical reactions in your body that lift your mood. Having an event to look forward to can also keep you from getting stuck in depressive thoughts.

5. Limit Your Internet Exposure

Another one of the steps to overcome depression is to limit your exposure to social media. You can easily find stories or websites that feed your dark thoughts and exacerbate your depression. Don’t let yourself spend too much time reading things that darken your mood. Shut your computer, turn off your phone, and find some other activity for occupying your thoughts.

Fort Behavioral Health’s Programs and Services

Overcoming depression isn’t something that’s going to happen quickly. Fort Behavior Health in Texas supports individuals dealing with mental health issues. Programs and services provided by our Texas facility include:

  • Detox program
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy
  • Dialectical behavior therapy

Find Relief from Symptoms of Depression at Fort Behavioral Health

Overcoming depression is possible, especially when you have the Fort Behavioral Health team on your side. Learn more about how we can help you by calling 844.332.1807 or completing our online form today.


Get Help Today!

You don’t have to face the journey of recovery by yourself. There are people out there ready to help with what you’re going through. Reach out to someone for support today.

Verify Your Insurance

If you’re covered by any major insurance provider, your treatment will most likely be covered. We guarantee to keep your personal details private.

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