• a group supports one another during a 12-step program for addiction
    12-Step Program, Addiction, Substance Abuse

    Benefits of a 12-Step Program for Addiction

    Most people have heard of Alcoholics Anonymous, or AA, and […]

  • a person talks to a therapist about the connection between alcohol and the brain
    Alcohol Detox, Alcohol Rehab, Alcoholism

    Alcohol and the Brain

    Alcohol has been a staple of human society for centuries. […]

  • Person in a session with a counselor in drug rehab near Dallas
    Addiction, Drug Rehab, Recovery, Treatment

    Drug Rehab Near Dallas, TX

    Addiction can affect anyone regardless of class, race, age, or […]

  • a person comforts another who is dealing with long-term effects of heroin
    Drug Rehab, Heroin Addiction Treatment, Substance Abuse

    Long-Term Effects of Heroin

    Heroin is a powerful opioid that induces an overwhelming rush […]

  • a therapist talks to a person about the risks of ativan and alcohol
    Alcoholism, Mental Health, Substance Abuse

    The Risks of Mixing Ativan and Alcohol

    Drinking alcohol is a common activity, with alcoholic beverages readily […]

  • a person holds their head in pain while struggling with mdma side effects
    Addiction, Drug Rehab, Molly (MDMA)

    MDMA Side Effects

    MDMA is the abbreviation of methylenedioxymethamphetamine. It is a popular […]

  • a therapist talks to a person about the effects of molly abuse
    Addiction, Drug Rehab, Molly (MDMA)

    Dangers of Molly Abuse

    There are a lot of recreational or party drugs that […]

  • man in heroin detox facility being comforted by members of support group
    Addiction, Detox, Heroin Addiction Treatment, Opioids, Withdrawal

    What to Expect During Heroin Detox

    For those who need treatment for a heroin use disorder, […]

  • a person sits on the floor in an empty room, possibly showing signs of signs of emotional trauma in adults
    Mental Health, Therapy, Trauma Therapy

    Signs of Emotional Trauma in Adults

    Many people think of trauma as something that happens to […]

  • a person in turmoil leans on a giant bottle of pills after recognizing painkiller abuse
    Drug Rehab, Opioid Use Disorder, Opioids

    Recognizing Painkiller Abuse

    The signs of painkiller abuse can be difficult to spot. […]

  • woman on computer researching opioid detox programs
    Addiction, Opioid Use Disorder, Opioids, Substance Abuse, Withdrawal

    What You Should Do if You Need Opioid Detox

    Opioid addiction carries a high risk of overdose. If a […]

  • a therapist comforts a member of the military after talking about veterans and addiction statistics
    Addiction, Therapy, Trauma Therapy

    Veterans and Addiction Statistics

    According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, one in 10 […]