• a man copes with his escapism
    Addiction, Co-Occurring Disorders, Health & Wellness, Mental Health, Substance Abuse, Therapy

    Escapism: Coping Skill or Detrimental?

    The American Psychology Association defines escapism as the tendency to […]

  • a woman wonders is somatic experiencing will help her trauma
    Behavioral Therapy, Health & Wellness, Mental Health, Therapy, Trauma Therapy, Treatment

    Can Somatic Experiencing Help with PTSD?

    A person with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) often faces a […]

  • a person struggles with over-the-counter drug abuse
    Addiction, Opioids, Substance Abuse

    The Dangers of Over-the-Counter (OTC) Drug Abuse

    Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs are legal drugs that you can acquire […]

  • a woman knows she needs a mental health treatment program
    Co-Occurring Disorders, Mental Health, Recovery, Therapy, Treatment

    Signs You Need Mental Health Treatment

    Many people don’t realize that they would benefit from mental […]

  • a man goes through dialectical behavior therapy
    Addiction, Mental Health, Recovery, Substance Abuse, Therapy, Treatment

    Benefits of Dialectical Behavior Therapy

    If you’re dealing with an addiction to drugs or alcohol, […]

  • a woman knows she has a co-occurring disorder
    Addiction, Co-Occurring Disorders, Health & Wellness, Mental Health, Substance Abuse, Therapy

    Recognizing the Signs of a Co-Occurring Disorder

    People struggling with addiction often have untreated mental health disorders […]

  • a woman knows she needs to take steps to overcome depression
    Health & Wellness, Mental Health, Recovery, Therapy

    Steps You Can Take to Overcome Depression

    Depression, or major depressive disorder, is one of the most […]

  • a woman knows she needs heroin addiction treatment
    Addiction, Detox, Recovery, Substance Abuse, Treatment

    Symptoms of Heroin Withdrawal

    Heroin is an opioid derived from morphine, a substance found […]

  • a person discovers sober activities for the spring
    Addiction, Alcoholism, Recovery, Sobriety, Treatment

    Sober Activities for the Summertime

    Summertime brings with it new opportunities to get outdoors and […]

  • a man deals with the stages of relapse
    Detox, Mental Health, Recovery, Relapse, Sobriety, Substance Abuse

    3 Stages of Relapse

    Addiction is a chronic condition, and, as with other chronic […]

  • someone talks about cognitive-behavioral therapy for addiction in therapy
    Addiction, Mental Health, Recovery, Relapse, Substance Abuse, Therapy

    Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Relapse Prevention

    It is a courageous decision for people with addiction disorders […]

  • a person is helpful in supporting someone with ptsd
    Health & Wellness, Mental Health, Therapy, Trauma Therapy, Treatment

    How to Support Someone with PTSD

    People react differently to trauma. Some seem to have a […]