Alcohol has been a staple of human society for centuries. Having a drink or two with dinner or at a party is considered socially acceptable. However, drinking alcohol can lead to a multitude of health issues, especially in a person’s brain. The connection between alcohol and the brain cannot be understated. If someone is drinking heavily, it might be best to look for a rehab facility to assist with detox and recovery. If you are looking for alcohol addiction treatment in Texas, one good option is Fort Behavioral Health.

Fort Behavioral Health is located in Fort Worth, Texas, and offers a safe, supportive environment for patients to recover from alcohol addiction. Our licensed experts give our patients the proper guidance to help them achieve safe detox, successful recovery, and long-term sobriety. Beating addiction is possible with the right treatment program. Contact us at 844.332.1807 today to start your recovery journey.

Alcohol and the Brain

As soon as alcohol enters someone’s bloodstream, it quickly starts affecting their brain. Although a healthy liver filters alcohol, excessive consumption can damage both the liver and the brain, and that damage may be irreparable. However, even moderate consumption can cause temporary negative effects. Here is a list of effects based on the level of alcohol consumption:

  • Subliminal intoxication – This is the first stage of alcohol intoxication with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of around 0.01 to 0.05. Most men and women will be at this stage after one drink. Their judgment, behavior, and reaction times may already be slightly altered.
  • Euphoria – The tipsy stage, usually after a few drinks, at a BAC of 0.03 to 0.12. The brain starts releasing more dopamine, inducing euphoria and a sense of confidence and relaxation.
  • Excitement – The stage of legal intoxication, with a BAC of 0.09 to 0.25. The alcohol starts affecting different regions in the brain, causing blurred vision, slurred speech, and poor hearing. At this level of consumption, people usually experience mood swings, impaired judgment, nausea, or vomiting. There will also be a lack of control, slower reaction times, and the loss of fine motor skills, making it very dangerous for someone to drive.
  • Confusion – The BAC at this stage would be at around 0.18 to 0.3. There will be a loss of coordination, causing people to need help with walking or standing. Some may even lose consciousness. It is possible to have problems remembering what happened due to the alcohol impeding the brain’s ability to make new memories.
  • Stupor – With a BAC over 0.25, there is a risk of alcohol poisoning. There is also a chance of passing out, suffocating, or sustaining other physical injuries due to mental, physical, and sensory functions being severely impaired by alcohol.
  • Coma – Over a BAC of 0.35, someone may fall into a coma if their respiration or circulation is compromised.
  • Death – When someone’s BAC surpasses 0.45, there is a chance of death due to alcohol poisoning or brain failure.

What Are the Long-Term Effects of Alcohol on the Brain?

The link between alcohol and the brain impacts communication pathways, impeding function. Long-term excessive consumption may lead to permanent damage to neurons and could even result in brain shrinkage. This damage can result in the following:

  • Having problems with balance and coordination, eye movement disturbances
  • Decrease in cognitive function, such as having memory issues, problems concentrating or paying attention, or difficulties in learning new things
  • Personality changes, hallucinations, psychosis, confusion, anxiety, or depression caused by altered brain chemistry, such as decreased levels of serotonin
  • Physical damage to the brain, such as damaged nerve cells and blood vessels, the inability to create new brain cells, or poor blood circulation in the brain
  • Developing alcohol-related dementia or Korsakoff syndrome
  • Increased risk of stroke

While the effects of long-term alcohol addiction may be severe, it is possible for some effects to be reversed or improved by stopping consumption. A longer, healthier life is possible by beating alcohol addiction and achieving sobriety.

Get Alcohol Addiction Treatment at Fort Behavioral Health

Alcohol detox and recovery can be difficult when done alone at home. Getting the right support for each stage of treatment is essential to a patient’s success. At Fort Behavioral Health, our experienced and expert clinicians are here to help patients recover and rebuild through the use of therapies that ensure long-lasting sobriety. If you or a loved one is struggling with alcohol addiction, contact us at 844.332.1807 today to learn more about how we can help.


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You don’t have to face the journey of recovery by yourself. There are people out there ready to help with what you’re going through. Reach out to someone for support today.

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